
How to Teach (Bio)Ethics? - Training Course for Teachers in Ethics.

clip_image001 ¡Inscripciones cierran el 11 de abril!

Estimadxs colegas

Quiero compartir con ustedes esta convocatoria que hacemos desde el Centro de Ética Médica y el Centro de Salud Global de la Universidad de Oslo. Es un curso de formación de formadores en bioética, sin costo, de 5 semanas de duración, gratuito y orientado en particular a regiones del sur. El curso es totalmente virtual y se dicta en inglés.

How to Teach (Bio)Ethics? - Training Course for Teachers in Ethics.

Los temas son muy relevantes y en algo se asemejan a los que hemos organizado en la región, pero en estos se abordan no solo las metodologías didácticas para la enseñanza sino temas a incluir en los programas como colonialidad, interculturalidad y DDHH.

Yo soy la coordinadora pedagógica, la metodología está basada en el modelo problematizador y se asemeja mucho a los cursos del PEPB que he coordinado por más de 15 años.

Habrá una selección de candidatxs, así que quienes estén interesados deben ingresar a la web.

Son requisitos:

-Tener formación acreditada en Bioética

-Ser docente en bioética en la actualidad.

- Se priorizarán candidatxs atendiendo a equidad de género y región


Susana M. Vidal

Presidenta Redbioetica UNESCO

Guest Researcher Centre for Medical Ethics

University of Oslo



The Centre for Medical Ethics and the Centre for Global Health at the University of Oslo is pleased to announce an open call for applicants for the “How to Teach (Bio)Ethics? - Training Course for Teachers in Ethics.”

Detailed information about the course is available HERE.

This 5-week on-line training (no participation fee required) has been designed to support and promote quality (bio)ethics education by strengthening the teaching capacities in (bio)ethics and research ethics for teachers. The training aims to address the educative methodology and pedagogical approaches behind ethics and research ethics education.

The target participant:

  1. Must have an academic degree or other previous training in bioethics, medical ethics, ethics of science, research ethics or of public health ethics and global health ethics
  2. Must be a teacher of bioethics, medical ethics, ethics of science, research ethics or of public health ethics and global health ethics (in universities or other educational institutions)

The number of participants will be limited, and we will use specific selection criteria. Further information about the criteria including the application process/deadlines can be found on the course webpage – see here.

Deadline for application: 11th of April 2023 (12.00 am CET (Oslo time))

Course start date: 3rd of May 2023

Please feel free to share with others involved in the topic – thank you!

Kind regards,

Ethics Teaching Team

Centre for Medical Ethics

Institute of Health and Society and Centre for Global Health

University of Oslo

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